
Wi-Fi Spots in Tokyo, and Self-Study

Today I went to Bic Camera, which sells PCs, TV sets, etc. It's an electric appliance store. They have cameras too, as the name says so. Anyway I found this ad about wi-fi service at 380 yen per month. To me it's bettern than Yodobashi Camera's wi-fi plan (similar chain of stores). Bic Camera's plan covers JR stations and DOUTOR (cafe here like Starbucks) plus Yodobashi's area (so far as I understand). I'm going to give it a try and see if it's any better. You find a lot of DOUTORs in Tokyo, which is a good point (don't really care about how their latte tastes for now).
At Bic Camera I bought a portable heater from SANYO, which is rechargeable. Traditional, disposable ones are cheap and convenient, but if rechargeable ones work, I'm going to switch to them.

About my learning stuff...
Yesterday at a cafe, I read chapter 6 of "Programming Principles and Practice Using C++."
Up to chapter 5, I just skimmed through, as the contents seemed fairly basic. I might go back to exercises in those chapters later.
In chapter 6, creating a calculator program is given as a topic. Although it's still introductory chapter, several techniques like tokenizing and parsing are explained.
I brought my mac book (which I had repaired yesterday) and implemented a calculator program following the text, up to 6.3.1.
Today I got back to dynamic programming. I finished up studying binomial coefficients and its implementation, and started to work on Floyd's algorithm, to find shortest edges for any given pair of vertices in a graph.

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